School is incredibly beneficial to children on both academic and personal fronts. However, it is essential to note that millions of kids get injured in school, sometimes due to their recklessness or that of their friends. It may also occur due to negligence by the teachers or school administration.

If your child is involved in an accident at school, you may be liable for compensation, depending on the incident’s circumstances. However, personal injury suits involving children are not as easy to win as they appear. 

This is mainly because adults may not be present at the accident scene. Moreover, children are generally poor at preserving evidence and may not recall everything that occurred. 

All said, it is still possible to have a successful claim. Getting a credible personal injury lawyer is naturally the first and most crucial step. You must also collect, document, and preserve anything that can help prove your case. This can include:


Medical Records

Rush your child to the hospital as soon as you notice any sign of injuries. That way, your child will not only get the necessary treatment to prevent further complications, but you will also get the medical documentation that will help prove your case.


School Report

Check whether teachers, staff members, or other students reported the incident, and ask for a copy of the report.


Witness Testimonies

If your claim reaches the courts, you will need as many people as possible to corroborate your story. 

This is because the school administration and their lawyers will likely not admit fault and may even try to turn the tables on your child. 

Having several unbiased witnesses, such as the school nurse or other students on your corner may significantly boost your chances of success.


CCTV Footage

Luckily, many schools now have security cameras in common areas like hallways, playgrounds, cafeterias, and sports facilities. 

If your child was injured in an area covered by a camera, you could request the footage of the incident personally or through your lawyer.


Photographs of the Injuries and Accident Scene

Before taking your kid to the hospital, try to photograph their injuries from different angles. 

If the accident occurred due to a hazardous element in the school, make a point of visiting the school and taking videos or photos of the same.


Are you looking for an experienced personal injury attorney in Orlando, Florida? Contact us today!