truck accident Archives - Car Accident Lawyer Orlando FL | Personal Injury Attorney in Orlando

Understanding What Happens in a Jackknife Accident

2022-11-08T12:53:42-08:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

When driving on a highway, there is nothing as worrying as seeing a tractor-trailer going out of control behind or ahead of you.  Due to their gigantic sizes, auto accidents involving 18-wheelers are often very consequential in terms of damages and casualties.  Jackknife accidents are especially fatal, as they usually involve multiple vehicles and a lot of momentum force.    So, How Do Jackknife Accidents Occur? A jackknife accident is where a trailer truck folds in on itself such that the cab bends at a sharp angle with the trailer, in an apparent "V" shape. The scenario derives its name from the hinging effect of a pocketknife folding into its handle while being closed. Jackknifes occur when a truck makes a sudden stop or swerves suddenly to avoid hitting something on the road. [...]

What is the Process Regarding a Truck Accident Claim

2022-07-18T17:10:59-07:00July 18th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Truck accidents are rare but deadly when they happen. If you lost a loved one or got hurt in a truck accident, you probably wonder where to start in your quest for compensation. Luckily, the claims process, in this case, is similar to those of other types of vehicle accidents.  However, some procedures are unique to truck accidents due to the commercial nature of the trucking business. As such, understanding these distinct aspects is key to the success of your claim.   Why and How Are Truck Collisions Different From Ordinary Car Crashes? Trucks and tractors are subject to the same traffic laws as other cars. However, commercial trucks are also subject to additional laws meant to protect their drivers and other road users. The most stringent of these truck-specific laws include clauses [...]

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