The Dangers of Distracted Driving

2023-05-08T11:11:06-07:00May 24th, 2023|Categories: Auto Accident|Tags: , , , |

It may seem like a minor inconvenience to take your eyes off the road for just a few seconds, but lives can be changed forever in those moments. Distracted driving is an increasingly serious issue plaguing our streets and highways and has caused accidents of all sizes, from fender benders to fatal collisions. Distracted driving is preventable despite its deadly consequences – which become more severe with the increased number of vehicles on the roads. As drivers, it's up to us to stay focused behind the wheel so we can all remain safe while commuting from one place to another. Let's look at what constitutes distracted driving and some tips on keeping yourself and others safe when on the open road.   What is Distracted Driving, and Why is it Dangerous? Distracted driving [...]

Texting and Driving: Distracted Driving Leading Teen Deaths in the U.S.

2018-09-04T14:14:11-07:00July 12th, 2017|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , |

Teenagers, in particular, are vulnerable to giving in to distracted driving when it comes to using their phones. Teens are used to texting and used to having their phones on them at all times as well as having audio notifications for various apps and purposes. The stream of communication can be extremely tempting while on the road. Unfortunately, teens are very at risk for getting into serious accidents that cause injury or death as a result of using their phone while driving. If you or someone you know have caused an accident or been in an accident as a result of phone usage while driving, contact an experienced car accident attorney. Besides that, read on to find out more about how texting and driving and using the phone, in general, is causing more [...]

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