Is There Legal Liability for an Accident Caused by Poor Car Maintenance?

2022-01-19T21:09:52-08:00December 13th, 2021|Categories: Auto Accident|Tags: , , |

Distracted driving, intoxicated driving, speeding, inclement weather, and reckless driving are among the country’s top five causes of car accidents. Many drivers often overlook that improper or poor auto maintenance could also contribute to a car crash. Moisture in the braking system, rust or corrosion, leaking brake fluid, and faulty parts are examples of maintenance issues that can cause an accident. If a driver knows their vehicle has a problem that could lead to a crash, they should avoid driving it in the first place, or they can be held liable for injuries or damages to other road users. This blog post explains legal claims that might result from accidents caused by poor car maintenance. In negligent maintenance cases, more than one party may share the blame, and a car crash attorney can [...]