Driving and Using Hands-Free Devices

2021-03-02T00:14:27-08:00February 26th, 2019|Categories: Auto Accident|Tags: , , , , , , |

Are using hands-free devices while driving safer than using a phone held by hand? You may be saying yes, and a number of drivers in the United States might agree with you. 80% of polled drivers thought using this type of device would be safer than using a phone held by hand, but studies have shown that this belief just isn't backed up by the facts.While it makes sense why a hands-free device would seem to allow you more focus and more control while driving, these devices still contribute to a percentage of crashes on the road. 24% of call crashes that involve conversations on cell phones, according to the NSC. Research suggests that a hands-free version might even be more distracting than driving intoxicated.Any type of hands-free device can cause a car [...]