How To Prove Third-Party Negligence Behind the Wheel

2023-02-07T12:08:00-08:00February 20th, 2023|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

A favorable outcome in a car accident case primarily entails securing appropriate financial compensation. But ideally, it should go over and above that. In particular, it's essential to ensure the outcome takes into account your long-term well-being and that of your family. You should also be able to point out behavior and actions caused by other parties' negligence or carelessness. If you are unsure, consider getting a professional lawyer to help you through. That said, under the Florida state traffic accident laws, a jury can only deem a driver negligent if they violate all four of the following safety statutes: The defendant driver had a legal obligation to operate the motor vehicle safely. The defendant driver failed to fulfill their duty of care. The accident occurred mainly due to the defendant's actions. The injuries [...]

What Can Affect the Advantage of Your Personal Injury Settlement?

2023-01-16T11:04:56-08:00January 16th, 2023|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , , |

Fair compensation for victims of other people’s negligent actions is one of the foundational principles of the justice system. The compensation may include payment of present and future medical bills, lost income, property damages, and mental and physical anguish. In Florida, certain factors can affect the value of a personal injury settlement. To attain the maximum compensation from your claim, here are some things you should consider when pursuing legal redress.   Extent of Property Damage If the accident that caused your injury also led to property damage, the extent and nature of the damage will also be taken into account. In most cases, the attention goes to the ‘bigger’ losses, such as damages to vehicles and property, as they are easier to quantify. However, the costs of replacing other lost or damaged valuables like [...]

How Can You Request a Change to a Police Report After an Accident?

2022-12-08T17:08:06-08:00December 6th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Accident|Tags: , , |

Florida has some of the busiest highways in the country. As such, being involved in an accident can be an unnerving and traumatizing experience. Apart from the injuries and damages that may arise, you also have to deal with the police, other drivers and their lawyers, and the eyewitnesses who just happen to have their own perceptions. It is, therefore, not far-fetched to imagine that the subsequent police report would be inaccurate, considering the number of people whose testimonies have to be taken into account. While police reports may not be considered infallible evidence in court, they are still essential and hold much weight.   So, is it Possible to Correct a Police Report? It is possible and within your right to request a change or correction in the police’s report on your [...]

Understanding What Happens in a Jackknife Accident

2022-11-08T12:53:42-08:00November 22nd, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

When driving on a highway, there is nothing as worrying as seeing a tractor-trailer going out of control behind or ahead of you.  Due to their gigantic sizes, auto accidents involving 18-wheelers are often very consequential in terms of damages and casualties.  Jackknife accidents are especially fatal, as they usually involve multiple vehicles and a lot of momentum force.    So, How Do Jackknife Accidents Occur? A jackknife accident is where a trailer truck folds in on itself such that the cab bends at a sharp angle with the trailer, in an apparent "V" shape. The scenario derives its name from the hinging effect of a pocketknife folding into its handle while being closed. Jackknifes occur when a truck makes a sudden stop or swerves suddenly to avoid hitting something on the road. [...]

What Do You Need to Do if You Witness a Car Accident?

2022-11-08T12:39:49-08:00November 8th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Most people don’t know the steps to take after witnessing an accident, mainly because the procedures are not discussed enough in the media and by law enforcement.  Many eyewitnesses don’t even stop to survey an accident scene and drive on, expecting someone else to call the police to sort things out. If you are in Florida, there are specific procedures you need to keep in mind in case you witness an auto accident. These include:   Stop and Get Out of The Way If the accident occurred in front of you, drive right past the scene and park at a safe distance from it. If you choose to stop behind the scene, be sure to stay about 100 meters away.  This way, you will not hinder the emergency personnel and the police from [...]

What Causes The Most Pedestrian Accidents?

2022-10-10T21:31:50-07:00October 17th, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Florida is undoubtedly one of the states with the highest rates of pedestrian accidents.  Most of these accidents are caused by drunk driving, distracted driving (particularly texting while driving), and other negligent behaviors exhibited by motorists on the road.  Suppose you've fallen victim to a pedestrian accident occasioned by the negligent actions of another driver. In that case, you must consult a Florida personal injury lawyer to help you seek compensation for your injuries and losses.    Common Types of Pedestrian Accident Cases It's no secret that distracted driving is a leading cause of pedestrian accidents in Florida. However, it's far from the only factor contributing to this state's high rates of pedestrian accidents. Other common causes of pedestrian crashes include: Drunk driving Malfunctioning road signs Commercial trucks Motorcycles Public transportation such as [...]

How Can Faulty Tires Cause Car Accidents?

2022-05-03T17:46:54-07:00May 3rd, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Faulty or defective tires are always a powder keg. In particular, they can easily cause you to lose control of the car and go crashing into other vehicles, buildings, people, or even ditches.  Even worse, there’s little you can do to prevent an accident since the tires can fail without warning. Before we get to the legal options available (if you are caught up in an accident involving defective tires), we must first look at how such tires cause accidents.   Possible Causes of Defective Tires There are so many potential causes of defects in tires. The first and increasingly common cause is manufacturer errors. These are typically caused by poor designs or substandard materials in manufacturing.  The tires could collapse or blow up when exposed to pressure in such a scenario. In [...]

What Should I Expect When Involved in a Pedestrian Accident

2022-04-21T05:14:58-07:00April 21st, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Any injury involving a motor vehicle is an extremely dangerous affair for a pedestrian. For one, you do not have the protection of a hard metal case like a vehicle passenger does, and secondly, your chances of survival depend on the goodwill of strangers.  What's more, the legal options for pedestrians involved in road accidents are vague at best. As anyone who has been involved in an accident will tell you, there's nothing worse than suffering in pain and not knowing what to do about it.  To help you along, we have some great advice on the best courses of action for when you are involved in a pedestrian accident. Here's a low-down of what they said:   Get Medical Attention ASAP The first thing you need to do after getting out of the [...]

How Does the Body React After an Auto Accident?

2022-03-22T17:19:24-07:00March 22nd, 2022|Categories: Auto Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , , , |

Surviving an auto accident is more than a miracle. Your body will go through various reactions as it tries to cope and recover from the trauma of the accident. If you are a car crash victim, you should seek medical and legal help from your healthcare provider and car accident attorney.  Your doctor will guide you through the recovery process, while your attorney will help you seek your rightful compensation for incurred damages and losses. Understanding how your body reacts after a car accident can help you cope and know what to do during the recovery process. This post explains what you should expect as you get through your injuries.   Head Injuries The body will continue to move at the car’s previous speed even if it has stopped after a collision.  The [...]

Should I Wait To Go to the Doctor After an Accident?

2022-10-10T14:50:24-07:00February 15th, 2022|Categories: Florida Law, Personal Accident, Personal Injury|Tags: , , |

Car accidents are always devastating, regardless of the scale of injury. No injury sustained from a road accident is too small to kill.  Unfortunately, many people hesitate to get checkups done after getting into accidents, thinking minor injuries will go away with time.  This is dangerous from a medical perspective and could also have some legal repercussions in the future.    How Soon Should You See a Doctor After an Accident? You should see a doctor and have a complete checkup done within 72 hours. Of course, the ideal time is immediately after the accident. Still, sometimes, the adrenaline rush can be so intense that you lose most of your physical sensation for several hours, which may lead you to believe you’re okay.  If you have any external injuries, the pain and soreness [...]

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