Be Safe This Holiday: Avoiding DUIs and Drunk Drivers 

2017-11-07T21:56:24-08:00December 13th, 2016|Categories: Auto Accident, DUI, Personal Injury|Tags: , |

Enjoying the holidays is fun, but sometimes having fun and getting too drunk can mean trouble. This holiday season, we've assembled some tips so you're safe on the road and can avoid a DUI, which can cause your life to get a whole lot more complicated. Endangering lives and fines aside, sometimes you've just got to use good sense. We're going to get into more detail, though, so read on to find out how you can have a fun and safe holiday season! Many people associate the holidays with merriment, decorating, eating, gifts, and laughter. It's easy to forget that there are more arrests made for DUIs between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve than average. Between December 25 and January 1, the average amount of fatalities that occur from impaired driving goes. Binge [...]