Learning More About Medical Malpractice

2018-09-04T13:43:56-07:00January 16th, 2018|Categories: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury|Tags: |

How much do you know about the subject of medical malpractice? Hopefully, not too much-- it's better to not have heard of it, to be honest. Yet thousands of Americans have cause to learn more about this area where legal meets medical because of personal reasons to do so. They or someone they know may have been personally affected by what could be medical malpractice, and that is usually the galvanizing force that drives someone to find out more. It's an unfortunate situation to be in, although perhaps not a surprising one: over ten percent of all cancer cases actually were misdiagnosed early on. And a delayed diagnosis can equal death in many cases, so this is something to be taken seriously. When cancers progress to certain stages, they can be very difficult [...]

Do You Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

2018-02-15T02:58:49-08:00December 1st, 2017|Categories: Florida Law, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury|Tags: , |

Are you wondering whether you have a medical malpractice case on your hands? Millions of people a year seek medical attention. With any luck, everything goes well and you are treated, recover, and can get back to your normal life. This is the way that you want things to go, but what do you do when a mistake or error in judgment causes a medical experience that negatively impacts you? If you are thinking about talking to a medical malpractice attorney, you or someone close to you has likely found themselves in a disadvantageous position. When medical mistakes cause such widespread devastation, it can be tough to deal with the fallout when you are the one being affected by it. If you have lost wages, suffered, or been affected negatively by malpractice that [...]

Legal Help with Nursing Home Abuse

2017-11-07T20:02:14-08:00October 10th, 2017|Categories: Medical Malpractice|Tags: , |

  Have you heard of nursing home abuse? Unfortunately, this is a real issue that many elderly people deal with on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is that many people put their trust in nursing homes and when they enroll their loved ones in these homes they want to trust that they will be taken care of. Even though most nursing homes provide services that help thousands of older people to live their lives, any home can employ nurses or staff that are abusive and secretly torment their patients. Even a reputable home may have a few of these bad eggs working and this abuse and neglect can be a tremendous source of physiological and psychological stress. It may result in feelings of depression, physical damage, and even injury or [...]

Medical Malpractice: What You Should Know

2017-11-07T21:38:20-08:00July 19th, 2017|Categories: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury|Tags: |

Have you or someone that you know been affected by medical malpractice? If you are lucky you may not have had the occasion to hear the term and learn what it means. Medical malpractice is when a medical staffer neglects the standard of care they are supposed to give. This involves negligence in a number of ways that can vary from issuing the patient to be administered the wrong dose or type of medication to operating using a diet scalpel that results in infections and possibly loss of life in the end. So what should you know about medical malpractice? We're here to help you find out all the things you need to know. Whether you have cause at the current moment to speak to a medical malpractice attorney or just want to [...]

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits: Erb’s Palsy

2017-11-07T21:42:06-08:00May 4th, 2017|Categories: Birth Injury, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury|Tags: , |

What is Erb's Palsy and why do people often sue over it? Erb's palsy happens during birth-- it's a disorder that often results in weakness of the arm of a baby or in worse cases paralysis. In properly conducted births, this does not occur because it usually only occurs as a result of malpractice. If your baby is suffering from this condition as a result of negligence, you need to consult a medical malpractice attorney.  Erb's Palsy has been the driving force behind a number of medical malpractice suits, and the number is not likely to stop climbing anytime soon. It happens as a result of a stretch injury to the brachial plexus, the network of nerves that branches out with the nerves of the arm. It's located close to the neck and [...]

What Damages Are You Entitled To In a Medical Malpractice Case?

2017-11-07T21:54:17-08:00January 5th, 2017|Categories: Criminal Lawyer, Medical Malpractice|Tags: |

When it comes to your medical history, are you eligible for damages in a court of law when it comes to medical malpractice? Medical malpractice unfortunately is more common than you think. You are actually probably just as likely to get into a car accident as you are to experience malpractice as a patient when you are sick. Don't think that the numbers when it comes to injury and death from malpractice are that high? Up to 98,000 deaths of individuals were caused as a direct result of medical errors. This comes according to research published by the Institute for Medicine in 1999. These errors were common and routine enough to cause over a million injuries in the U.S. every single year. Yes, you heard that right. Over a million injuries. So if [...]

Medical Malpractice: Everything You Need to Know

2017-11-07T21:58:25-08:00November 1st, 2016|Categories: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury|

Medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United States. It may seem unlikely, but it's true. That means that it isn't as devastating in numbers as heart disease or cancer is-- but it's close. On a personal level, it can seem like the pain from losing anyone due to medical malpractice is unending. Unfortunately, billions are paid out for malpractice suits every year. Read on to find out more about malpractice in the medical field so you're up to date. Medical malpractice could happen to anyone-- an alarming realization, to say the least. The legal definition of this term is when a health-care provider does not provide the standard of care when it comes to treating a patient. Whether they deviated from this standard of care will essentially prove [...]

Medical Malpractice, Alarm Fatigue Gets Attention

2017-11-07T22:12:32-08:00April 13th, 2016|Categories: Medical Malpractice|Tags: |

Do you trust a hospital to take care of you? If you were staying in a hospital and your life relied on an alarm and a response to the sounding of that alarm, how confident are you that you would get the care that you need in order to save your life? Maybe you'd rather not know the statistics or the problems plaguing private and public hospitals these days. As much as people would like to believe that medical workers are miracle workers, at the end of the day they are all human and susceptible to the same human weaknesses that everyone else is. Unfortunately, you or someone that you love may be injured or even pass away as a result of this type of malpractice. It may also worry you to know [...]

When You Should Sue A Nursing Home for Medical Negligence

2017-11-07T22:19:02-08:00February 16th, 2016|Categories: Medical Malpractice|Tags: , , |

If you have a loved one in a nursing home, you want to know that they are receiving the very best in care. However, mistakes do happen. While we'd all like to think that our loved ones aren't susceptible to these kinds of errors, the truth is that things like this happen all the time. No one is immune to human error, but you can seek compensation and justice for the damage caused. If a nursing home health staff makes an error in medication, you could have a case for medical malpractice. Read on to find out more about when you should sue a nursing home for medical negligence. When You Should Sue A Nursing Home for Medical Negligence An experienced medical malpractice lawyer will be able to tell you whether you have [...]

Sobering Medical Report May Validate Your Fears

2017-11-07T22:20:59-08:00January 12th, 2016|Categories: Medical Malpractice|Tags: , |

How many times have you been sick or had something wrong with you but were scared that you would go to a doctor or the hospital, only to be misdiagnosed? It's a pretty common to fear to have, and at times you might feel that you're being overly paranoid. The terrible thing is, that fear is actually pretty valid, according to a new report. The report was released by the Institute of Medicine this week and it's called "Improving Diagnosis In Health Care." The Institute also published a landmark report in 1999 that was titled 'To Err is Human.' It's their most recent report that is getting people even more worried, however. The report is cracking open people's perceptions about the capacity of medicine and revealing sobering statistics about just how likely the [...]

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