Drowsy Driving Accidents are Preventible
Driving drowsy? Not a good idea. One out of seven drivers aged 16 to 24 has admitted to actually nodding off while driving once or more in the past year, according to a study by the National Sleep Foundation. The study was part of the Drowsy Driving Prevention Week (November 12-18), an annual campaign to raise awareness of the dangers [...]
Back to School is Time for a Family Talk About Texting While Driving and Distracted Driving
As we get past summer and later into the year, it's time for families to prepare for going back to school! It's also a good time to talk to your kids and just brush up on a few safety rules. While you're doing a little shopping before going back to school and preparing to go into the school year again, [...]
Put Down the Cell Phone, No Walking While Distracted!
We all know about driving while distracted, but do you know about walking while distracted? It may seem like a new concept, but if you cast your mind back, you've probably done it in a few times in the past year. While it's certainly not as dangerous to others as operating heavy machinery (in an immediate and severe way), walking [...]
Summer Pool Safety Tips For Adults When It Comes To Children
With summer finally here, it's finally time for summer fun and hijinks. Adults and children get to swim in pools, lakes, and even the ocean! These times can be great for making memories, but they're also a time to remember to focus on safety. Unfortunately, every year in the United States five thousand children aged under 15 are treated for [...]
Sports Injury and Recognizing Signs of a Concussion
When it comes to kids and sports, all parents fear injury. Well, as it turns out, they're right to worry. According to an ESPN article from 2013, more than 21 million children and teens are playing organized sports in the United States. That's a huge number! Not every kid quits due to injury, but a large percentage of kids who [...]
Florida PIP Law: How It Affects Injured Motorists’ Rights
Are you or is someone you know a car accident victim in Florida? If you or someone that you know has been involved in a car accident, you may be able to take legal action! The Law Offices of Payas, Payas and Payas can help you find out whether you have a case that could go to court and win. [...]