All About Truck Accidents: What You Need to Know
When it comes to car accidents, no one wants to cause one. Unfortunately, most people are likely to get into one car accident or more in their lifetimes. With 40,000 people being killed annually in the United States as a result of a motor vehicle accident and thousands more being injured, incurring huge medical expenses, property damages, in addition to [...]
Don’t Text and Drive: 5 Reasons Why You Should Skip the Phone While On The Road
When it comes to the phone and hitting the road, the two don't go together. What does go together, no matter how experienced you are, is paying attention to the road while you're operating a motor vehicle. If your focus is distracted, even for a few seconds, you could end up getting into an accident. In general, when you are [...]
Do You Have a Case for a Birth Injury?
The birth of a child is often one of the most precious moments that you can experience. Having a healthy child come into your life is a source of great pride and happiness for parents when it happens. Hopefully, you become one of the many millions of parents that came before you that has given birth to a child that [...]
What Damages Are You Entitled To In a Medical Malpractice Case?
When it comes to your medical history, are you eligible for damages in a court of law when it comes to medical malpractice? Medical malpractice unfortunately is more common than you think. You are actually probably just as likely to get into a car accident as you are to experience malpractice as a patient when you are sick. Don't think [...]
Be Safe This Holiday: Avoiding DUIs and Drunk Drivers
Enjoying the holidays is fun, but sometimes having fun and getting too drunk can mean trouble. This holiday season, we've assembled some tips so you're safe on the road and can avoid a DUI, which can cause your life to get a whole lot more complicated. Endangering lives and fines aside, sometimes you've just got to use good sense. We're [...]
Top Safety Reminders for Holiday Shoppers
This upcoming holiday season, many parents and family members are going to be shopping in search of a great toy to give to a child. It’s such a good instinct and a nice thing to do, but it’s also important to remember that not all toys are safe. Just because they’re sold in stores is no guarantee—dozens of children are [...]