You Get One Call (And It’s being Recorded)
Have you been arrested and taken to jail? Well if you ever find yourself arrested and taken to jail, you may find this handy. You typically get one call when you're arrested and they let you out of the cell to make it. Only these days, some penitentiaries might use phone monitoring computers apps to record the phone call in [...]
Should You Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?
Should you be hiring a personal injury attorney? Well, that depends-- have you or someone that you know been injured? Sustaining an injury can be really frightening. Car accidents and other incidents can be physically painful but also cause emotional and mental trauma and scarring. That's just the personal stuff, and doesn't even account for time recuperating, wages lost, and [...]
Legal Help with Nursing Home Abuse
Have you heard of nursing home abuse? Unfortunately, this is a real issue that many elderly people deal with on a daily basis. The truth of the matter is that many people put their trust in nursing homes and when they enroll their loved ones in these homes they want to trust that they will be taken care of. [...]
Do You Need A Bicycle Accident Attorney?
Could you benefit from hiring a bicycle accident attorney? With most states now considering bicycles vehicles legally, not obeying traffic regulations could cost you big time as a cyclist. Whether you enjoy biking recreationally or do it for the exercise or competitive aspect, cyclists have to pay attention to traffic regulations just like motorists do. While you may be doing [...]
How to Avoid Being a Distracted Driver
If you regularly let yourself be distracted while driving, you might just be a distracted driver. It's all too easy to point the finger at others, but there are more ways to be a distracted driver than just talking on your cell phone while on the open road. It could be something as simple as turning around to deal with [...]
Are Amusement Park Accidents Common?
Do you go to amusement parks? If you do, you may wonder how frequent or common amusement park accidents actually are. The truth is that accidents at amusement parks happen a lot more than the public might believe. Unless it's a death, a lot of accidents may not make into the media either by concerted effort or by chance because [...]