Should I File a Birth Defect Lawsuit?
Is there anything more important than our children? If you have children or have recently had a child, you never want to imagine them being anything but happy and healthy. It can often be more than parents can stand to imagine that their child may encounter a birth defect while being born. Consulting an attorney may be the last thing [...]
The Dangers of Walking While Distracted
Everyone's heard about how you should not talk or text while driving. Driving distracted is one of the major causes of accidents in the country, but what about walking while distracted? Is it dangerous too? Just like driving, walking requires us to pay attention to our surroundings and where we are going as we travel through time and space. Whether [...]
How to Avoid Drowsy Driving
When it comes to driving drowsy, it's never a good idea. A study done by the NSF (National Sleep Foundation) found that 1 out of 7 drivers surveyed admitted to nodding off while driving one or more times in the past year. 1 in 10 said they had fallen asleep completely while driving in the same time period. The numbers [...]
Can a State Law Affect How Injured Drivers Get Compensated?
When was the last time that you were in a car accident? If you or someone you know has recently had the misfortune of being a car accident victim in Florida, then you can probably relate to the feeling of being upset and feeling a loss of control. What can make this sense of anxiety worse is when you start [...]
Sports Injury and Recognizing Signs of a Concussion
When it comes to your kids, you want what's best for them. You try to cook them healthy meals, you keep them involved in activities, and you likely have them enrolled in dance or sports. There are plenty of things that you can do when it comes to keeping your kids active and their minds and bodies healthy, and it [...]
Speaking to Teen Drivers About Safe Driving
Are you a parent of a teen driver? Teen drivers are often notoriously regarded as the worst drivers on the road. However, just because they have not accumulated the same experience that older drivers have does not mean that they are destined to get into an accident. Many accidents that occur with teen drivers could be avoided with a better [...]