The Top Reasons for Cyclists to Utilize Cameras While Riding
When it comes to travel and ways to get around, many people around the world opt to use a bicycle or a motorcycle as their means of transportation. There are many reasons why riders may choose a motorcycle or bike over some other type of personal vehicle or public transportation or even a ride or ride-giving app or service. It's [...]
Dealing with Premises Liability
Are you someone that travels a lot? Whether you're on the road frequently for business or just away from home traveling to see the sights or traveling for an entirely different reason, you want to feel safe when you stay somewhere. The last thing that people often think about when they are looking for places to stay is the safety [...]
Dog Bites: Everything You Need to Know
Dogs are part of our lives-- well, for some of us anyway. But what to do when you have a negative interaction with a dog and end up getting bitten? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Humane Society of the United States, there are about 4.7 million dog bites every year in the U.S. While [...]
How to Handle Social Media After An Accident
We tend to go to social media naturally for as lot of things in our lives. We post to social media sharing sites and update people on the events that are going on with us constantly, often without thinking twice. When something is done daily, you may not consider the consequences of posting on social media. You may have a public [...]
How to Determine Car Accident Fault in Orlando
Accidents happen on the road all the time. Statistically, you're bound to get into at least one accident in your life. With any luck, the accidents that you get into will not cause injury and will be very minor. If they're not, it may be time to consult a car accident attorney. Consult an attorney for any injuries or damages [...]
Is Eating While You Are Driving Dangerous?
How often do you eat while you're driving on the road? These days, our lives are busier than ever, and you can't deny that people need to eat (and drink, obviously). Whether you're on a road trip or commuting to or from work, it can seem that fast food or quick meal options while on the go is the easiest [...]