Dealing with Chest Pains After An Accident
When it comes to being in an auto accident, are chest pains a bad thing to experience? They could be. When involved in any physical car accident, you are susceptible to getting injuries that are visible and also not. You may have injuries that even you may not be aware about because they are internal and functioning on a sort [...]
What Should You Do If You Were in a Crash While Pregnant?
If you are pregnant, you know there is nothing more terrifying than the idea of being in a serious accident when you are expecting. An expecting mother in an auto accident can have a lot to be concerned about for herself and for her baby. Many accident victims worry that being in a crash could negatively impact their pregnancy or [...]
Driving and Using Hands-Free Devices
Are using hands-free devices while driving safer than using a phone held by hand? You may be saying yes, and a number of drivers in the United States might agree with you. 80% of polled drivers thought using this type of device would be safer than using a phone held by hand, but studies have shown that this belief just [...]
Top Injuries Associated with Medical Malpractice Claims
How often do injuries caused by medical malpractice occur, and what are the top injuries that are usually sustained? A hospital in Florida made headlines in 1995 for a case of malpractice where a healthy leg was taken off. A series of errors led to this happening, but the surgeon had his license suspended while the hospital lost accreditation temporarily. The [...]
Texting and Proving Fault In Accidents
In many states, texting while you are operating a motor vehicle is not only illegal but a crime too. Even though there are rules set in place warning against it, using a phone or texting while driving is something that many people still choose to do, regardless of the risk. Some may not believe that any harm will come of [...]
Common Medical Errors That Lead to Lawsuits
We rely on medical professionals to treat us when we go to a clinic, hospital, or office. While most of the time these professionals live up to the name, there are times when errors are caused by negligence or even bad intent. When a nurse, doctor, or other medical practitioner does not provide the expected standard of care and it [...]