
Texting and Driving Accident Statistics

Texting while driving disorients a driver visually, mentally, and cognitively, and slows their reaction speeds. Consequently, thousands of people die or get injured every year on American roads, due to accidents caused by texting and driving. To further put things into perspective, below are some key statistics regarding texting and driving accidents in the year 2018. Analysis of Texting and [...]

Slip and Fall Accident: What To Do Next

Once you've taken a fall in a department store, at a mall, or on a slippery sidewalk, it is imperative that you know what your options are with respect to recovering compensation for your injuries. There are several types of trip slip, trip and fall accidents, such as stairs fall, wet surfaces, sidewalk falls, shower falls and so on that can [...]

What Do I Do in an Uber/Lyft Accident?

Ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft are renowned for upholding high safety standards. Their drivers are highly trained, and they are required to observe strict rules to protect passengers from harm. With this in mind, you can rest assured that you will reach your destination safely. Nevertheless, accidents are almost inevitable, and they are bound to happen even if [...]

Prime Causes of Florida Accidents

Are you paying full attention to the road every time that you drive? When it comes to being on the road and being distracted, the state of Florida is attempting to do something about it, although there are obstacles. Florida stopped a texting while driving bill from going through recently that would've dealt with texting while driving, changing it over [...]

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