Reckless Driving on the Rise During Quarantine
As the Coronavirus escalates, public roadways and highways have become empty in recent weeks as more people opt to stay in the safety of their homes. However, the empty streets and open roadways have led to an increase in traffic offenses, as drivers seem to take advantage of the situation to flaunt safety laws. A recent report released by the [...]
What are Pain and Suffering Damages?
Getting involved in a car accident can leave one with severe injuries that require urgent medical attention. This may not only lead to high medical costs but also incapacitate the victim, making them unable to work. If you've suffered personal injury due to the negligence of a driver, you are eligible for compensation for all pain and suffering that you [...]
How Safe are Teenage Drivers?
Each year, the number of teenage drivers on the roads increases exponentially. While this allows teenagers to enjoy more freedom and autonomy, it also poses serious safety risks both to the young drivers as well as other road users. According to statistics by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle-related accidents are the primary cause of death for [...]
Top Mistakes To Avoid on Auto Accident Injury Claims
Auto accidents are somewhat unavoidable. If you’re constantly on the road, you may find yourself involved in one, whether due to your own actions, or another person’s negligence. Of course, your first concern should be your health, after which you should pursue compensation from the person(s) at fault for the accident. As you proceed with your personal injury suit, you [...]
Does It Hurt My Case if I Delay Seeing a Doctor After an Accident?
Car accidents are always on the horizon for every driver, no matter how careful one may be. One minute you can be cruising the highway at the recommended speed, and the next minute you are in a hospital ward surrounded by your family members. It is therefore essential to know your options, as well as your legal obligations in case [...]
What is Distracted Driving?
We live in an age where people just can't keep their phones down, even when on the road! Despite having fewer road accidents compared to the past - thanks to advanced and responsive vehicle safety features - distracted driving still poses a huge threat to all road users. So why is it a major concern? Distracted Driving: The Statistics The National Highway [...]