
What To Do After A Hit-And-Run Accident

Being a car accident victim can be an incredibly stressful experience. Not only are you likely to suffer traumatic injuries, but the aftermath can leave you incapacitated and unable to function normally.  When most accidents happen, the involved vehicles pull out of traffic, make a statement with the police, and the drivers exchange contact information. However, the driver who caused [...]

How Wounded Crash Victims Can Benefit from Attorney-Client Privilege

Many people have heard about attorney-client privilege, but very few know what it means and how it works. Attorney-client privilege works the same way as doctor-patient confidentiality. It is a legal doctrine that protects confidential conversations between lawyers and their clients.  For instance, after a crash, your attorney cannot reveal any information shared between the two of you to the [...]

What Do You Need to Do to Get Compensation in a Lane-Change Accident?

Accidents are virtually inevitable, and driving on our busy highways often presents instinctive risks. Even if you drive carefully and observe road safety rules, a negligent driver can still hit you.  In Florida, most road accidents happen when two or more cars change lanes simultaneously. Lane-change accidents like these can cause severe injuries and stark damage to property. Moreover, determining [...]

Is There Legal Liability for an Accident Caused by Poor Car Maintenance?

Distracted driving, intoxicated driving, speeding, inclement weather, and reckless driving are among the country’s top five causes of car accidents. Many drivers often overlook that improper or poor auto maintenance could also contribute to a car crash. Moisture in the braking system, rust or corrosion, leaking brake fluid, and faulty parts are examples of maintenance issues that can cause an [...]

Who is Liable in a Line-of-Sight Accident?

A line-of-sight accident occurs when an obstruction blocks a driver’s view, making it difficult to see or be seen by other road users. They may not see who or what is in front of them, increasing the risk of an accident occurring.  Whether you are a cyclist, motorist, or pedestrian in a line-of-sight accident, you may rightfully claim compensation for [...]

What To Do if Injured in a Car Accident Involving Road Rage

More often than not, we see aggressive behaviors happening on the street. Sometimes, we're the ones initiating those kinds of behaviors. Aggressive driving and road rage are two different things. The former are behaviors we initiate that lead to road rage. For example: Speeding Tailgating Improper Lane Usage These behaviors are considered aggressive driving. Road rage happens when the alteration [...]

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