Experienced Orlando DUI Lawyers Respond ‘Round-the-Clock
Florida DUI Basics:
A DUI arrest can be humiliating and frustrating, but that is only the beginning of a potentially long process with far-reaching consequences. Those consequences, even for a standard, first-time DUI conviction, include jail time, fines, alcohol or drug counseling, and the loss of your license. A DUI conviction is costly in terms of time and money, and it damages your family relationships and your career. At Payas, Payas & Payas, LLP, we’re sensitive to the human toll DUI takes, and we work to minimize the impact of your arrest on your life. We’ve been practicing criminal defense law in central Florida for more than 35 years. We know what steps are necessary to preserve your rights and deliver your best possible outcome.
Let Our Family Serve Your Family
Orlando DUI Legal Representation
Our family of attorneys is committed to treating clients like family. That means we give you the best substantive representation we can, along with the emotional support that helps you bear up under the legal pressures. We respond to legal emergencies 24 hours a day. We promptly aid you in person to ensure that authorities observe and respect your due process rights. We appreciate the special challenges out-of-state drivers face when detained here in Florida and do everything possible to protect your liberty and your license. For further information, see our DUI FAQ page.
DUI’s in the Orlando Area
Orlando is conscious of its image as a family-friendly vacation destination. Crimes like drunk driving threaten that image, so local authorities take these cases very seriously. For that reason, you can expect forceful prosecution of your DUI charges, especially if there are any aggravating circumstances, such as:
If you face a felony DUI, you need more than a traffic offense lawyer. A DUI Lawyer in Orlando from Payas, Payas & Payas, LLP has the knowledge and skill to challenge the state’s case against you and to negotiate reduced charges whenever the circumstances permit.
Call Payas, Payas & Payas, LLP to protect your rights after arrest in Florida
Don’t hesitate to invoke your Constitutional rights, especially your right to an attorney. For capable defense representation in Orlando, call Payas, Payas & Payas, LLP at 407.888.8888 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.